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ancient wisdom examples

A critical review of the teachings and books of the Czech occultist. We can find it in the Christian Bible, in the sacred books of ancient India, China, Persia and ancient Egypt. The most outstanding example of pyramid building in Egypt was the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza, the last remaining of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, with a base covering thirteen acres and composed of 2,300,000 stone blocks. These ancient lenses generally magnify about 1.5 or 2 times. circa 2475 B.C.E. they observed the four satellites of Jupiter, and strong reason to They must be sought in the many books we review and recommend on this website and in the articles we have published on symbolism, allegory, mythology, philosophy and science. And the reason? The same definition applies to the occult mysteries; that is knowledge and truth which is not visibly apparent. that the quality of these eyes clearly indicates that these could The answer is because the time is right to reveal some of it. It only turns into a furious beast the mindless person, or the dogmatic, or the wilfully blind, who generally have financial reasons for preventing the Truth from becoming known.". This is not surprising considering that the word 'occult' is nowadays mostly associated with all that is evil. The reproduction shown here Many of you may also know the well-known verse from Tennyson: Here we see how the Mind of the inspired Poet recognises Truth intuitively in a flash of interior illumination. as much as 75%. The One of the reasons we launched this website nearly nine years ago was to combat this deluge of half-truths, speculations, conspiracy theories and misconceptions. of a sophisticated optical capability which I have found goes Schmidt, of Aalen University in Germany. Dr. Enoch noted that Late Period lenses found by When force is applied in any way with regard to a teaching, this teaching becomes dogma; and it is far better to believe in nothing at all—if that were possible—than to be dogmatic. that the elliptical lens design was invented much earlier that An appreciation and review of The Kybalion. As these 'aha!' An occult investigation of the Bible story of the birth of Jesus. True and false occult teachings and how to tell one from the other. . In connection with freedom of thought, in The Golden Star we may read: "All have free-will to accept any teaching, or reject it. THE Occult is not what most people think it is. 1860�s. Astral Conversations is a series 12 articles in which many conspiracy theories and wrong occult beliefs and practises are explored and debunked. Latter examples have Heinrich Schliemann (left), the 19th century discoverer of Troy, excavated 48 rock crystal lenses at Troy. ability to magnify. The next steps are up to you. We investigate the great Cycles of Sleep and Waking to which our Earth and the Kosmos are subject. Many more ask us whether there is any truth in the teachings of those who purport to receive knowledge from so-called 'ETs', 'angels' and 'cosmic masters'. Only now do I understand what it means to loose your soul. Separating fact from the fancies that surround the subject of Atlantis. You may ask that if occult knowledge and truth has been hidden from the multitude why are we now making it public? She said it was the most beautiful affirmation of motherhood that she had ever heard. seven times. Nimrud lens. We heartily endorse these sane and reasonable sentiments from an occultist of great experience and much wisdom, and would hope that no open-minded thinking seeker genuinely in search of Truth would disagree with them. An occult investigation of Philosophy in three parts from the founders of Greek philosophy to the present day. "Since I began your studies course, I have found at least some of the unconditional love I had only a glimmer of before. The close similarity of Proverbs to the ancient Egyptian Teaching of Ptah-Hetep. The Nimrud lens: Whatever its origin, as We investigate the theories and the facts. A reader's continuing story of her struggle to hold on to Inner Peace by Rose Wood. This is true. of crystal lenses exist in Crete, mostly found at Knossos. These were This is one of the An appreciation of the paintings of Tuco Amalfi and a commentary on Visionary Art. The Search for Truth explores and investigates the many links between Religion and the Occult. These are such brainwashed times but your articles are such a cause of comfort and hope to me and I applaud your steely determination to speak out against cheesy, hysteria, lies and mis-information — with plenty of wit thrown in for good measure!!". But it seems clear that the Vikings did The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the fear of death. One lens, probably of the fifth unearthed in 1853 from the throne room of King Sargon II's Assyrian Their aspirations are glued to the material plane and their personal needs and desires. Dating back thousands of years are numerous examples of ancient technology that leave us awe-struck at the knowledge and wisdom held by people of our past. It is fitting that we end this short review of the Ancient Wisdom with another quotation from Hermes Trismegistus which you can find in The Virgin of the World, "I am really enjoying this series of articles [Spiritus Hermeticum] and I look forward to each Sunday that you publish. Do you wonder who you truly are? Part one of an investigation of the concealed wisdom in sublime poetry.We discuss the difference between poetastery and poetry and analyse some poems by Omar Khayyæm, Shakespeare, Keats, Milton, Spenser and Dante. The Horn of Africa was an incredibly fertile land and Axum exported a wide range of agricultural products, such as wheat and barley, and animals, such as sheep, cattle, and camels. of Saturn,� wrote the English Orientalist George Rawlinson, in the For what greater joy can there be than to learn the things that truly Are? We are quite sure that Dr Michaud would have done the same had the technology existed to do this in the last century. lens is the oldest lens in the world. Egypt too has Let us take the former first. Trade was a fundamental aspect of the ancient Greek world and following territorial expansion, an increase in population movements, and innovations in transport, goods could be bought, sold, and exchanged in one part of the Mediterranean which had their origin in a completely different and far distant region. It can be seen in room 55 of the British the 1990s from a pre-dynastic grave of that date at Abydos in This is what I have always wanted. In this true short story by J Michaud PhD the author reveals why Nature is the greatest Book of Wisdom ever written and how to read its mysteries. Dogma turns men from being the true sons of the Father, into unthinking slaves and machines. palace of Nimrud, in Nineveh (Kuyunjik, Iraq). The difference between the psychic and the spiritual and the dangers of the former. Crete. For as Hermes tells us: You may ask at this point why so many people who consider themselves 'spiritual' who say they long for Truth are so very reluctant to study the Ancient Wisdom and learn the keys to it? Egypt. Many of the themes in his music later found their way into his books, which in our view are his most important and lasting gift to the world. An investigation of the ancient and modern theories about Aether compared and contrasted with the facts of Occult Science. The grinding and polishing of these eye Who built Britain's enigmatic prehistoric monument and why? Then you have come to the right place. Another Fifth Dynasty statue, that of the funerary Priest Kaemked, An analysis of some parables from the gospels and the real origins of Christianity. An investigation of the evidence for an ancient Egyptian colony in the British Isles more than 3,500 years ago. Another fairy-tale for Wise Adults by Erika Hahn. How to balance the often conflicting desires of the Higher and lower selves. The authors of this website do not claim any famous predecessors, titles or 'occult' qualifications. follow�strange as it may seem to us�that the Babylonians probably The simple answer is to prevent it being misused. A three-part investigation of the esotericism in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, the author's mythos, legendarium and involvement with Occultism. Greg Wade describes his eventful journey in search of Truth. Nor do we promote such subjects in any of our articles. A personal appreciation and full list of all the author's books. This is the purpose of this website: to bring the one Light of Truth to all those who are willing and capable of recognising and receiving it. Why and how it was concealed and the meaning of the parable of the prodigal son. wax, upon which the words were written, melt. A tremendous amount of misinformation and fantasy is now to be found on the Internet and in books on a wide variety of occult, religious, magical and mystical subjects. I'm hoping they will find much soul food on your beautiful website.". There are several The personal proofs of the power of Forgiveness by Greg Wade. yet another hoard exists at Ephesus, in Turkey, though those An investigation of the esoteric truths concealed in the libretto of Handel's Messiah. This must be evident to all thinking people. An investigation of vegetarianism, spirituality and health in the light of Occult Science. It bears microscopic carvings Food, raw materials, and manufactured goods were not only made available to … Dr Michaud's books were all published by the UMA Press in London between 1939 and 1950, and it is now difficult to find printed copies of them. A critical examination of the premises, promises and plans of material science. HOME | ABOUT | WHY STUDY OCCULT SCIENCE? An analysis of the evidence for the existence of the historical figure of Jesus. This is the first and most difficult step for those who say they want to learn Truth. It is not, neither is it 'anti-religion' or a synonym for black magic or witchcraft. The Layard (Nineveh) Lens Article: ( April 2000) The Viking Lenses: The nature, purpose and power of prayer and the many misconceptions surrounding it. We have also seen what it is; namely the repository of the sublime Truths of Life. There is nothing outdated in the Ancient Wisdom. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep." or fused silica, formerly known as cystalline quartz and fused much earlier examples. The religions of the world have borrowed from it without adding anything of value to it. wisdom definition: 1. the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments: 2. the…. lorgnette. quartz which had a convex front surface and a near hemispherical The problem of Good and Evil from the perspective of occult science. �It has generally been assumed that they were wholly rear lens, as did the reserve eye E-3009. shows both a horizontal and straight view. The origins of the Church, some of its dogmas and the heresies which threatened it. We discuss health and medicine from the perspective of occult science, and consider some of the better-known alternative therapies. A fairy-tale for Wise Adults in which are concealed a number of occult truths. mystery and wonder. The white of the eye (the Yet the more simple truths of occult science—such as reincarnation and evolution—should never have been hidden; for this has done incalculable harm to humanity. An occult investigation of the human body and some of its mysteries. (It only takes two lenses together in a Without the keys of allegory, mythology and symbolism—to name but a few of the sacred Keys of the Sublime Mysteries, the Ancient Wisdom remains a closed book. An investigation of Plato's account of Atlantis: it's history, arts and sciences. It is the most beautiful description of the different types of love. But, as we said earlier, these keys have to be learned before they can be used, and that takes time and a great deal of study. back as far as 3300 BC. Another large number have been properly published. Jupiter and Saturn. In some cultures, snakes were fertility symbols. This remarkable possibility has emerged Homepage  |  This lens however was not Indeed, we may go further and say that the great religions of both East and West have largely distorted what they have taken from the Ancient Wisdom, substituting dogma for Truth and empty ritual for true piety and devotion. "ground" and polished round but had facets which limited it's without lenses.�. The following articles and stories have all been contributed by our readers: newest first; grouped by author where applicable. Then consider this. The following month he wrote the afterword to Seán Mac Gréine's moving tale of The Importance of Being Humble. Guest writer and occultist, John Temple, has employed some of these keys to great advantage in his articles on the Search for Truth in the Bible and other sacred writings which contain the Ancient Wisdom. A tale of the East for those who would be Wise and a brief review of the life and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. An investigation of the 'Doomsday' and 'Rapture' prophecies connected with the entrance of the Sun into the zodiacal sign of Libra in September 2017. A reader's journey to the Light by Aava Meriläinen. It belonged to a king. Some of these adages are said to date back as far as 620 B.C. | OCCULT FAQ | OCCULT BOOKS | LINKS | CONTACT, © COPYRIGHT | all rights reserved | Privacy | Terms & Conditions. Not one person in ten million or one 'occultist' in a thousand has the slightest idea of what the Occult really is. Even if you learn just a few of these keys and are only to able to partially apply them, you will be amazed at what you will discover in the Bible and many other sacred texts you never imagined they contained. Some of the lenses can be seen at Down the rabbit hole. You won't find it reading about 'polar shifts', planet X, 'DNA activation', 'ascension', witchcraft, 'ascended masters', shamanism, and the various conspiracy theories about the 'illuminati' or 'evil ETs' who are supposed to control and rule our lives. There has never been a time when these truths were more vitally needed than today. examples of early lenses appearing fully formed about 2600-2575 B.C. Sol Bloomfield describes her quest for knowledge with gentle humour and humility. moments increase—which they will if you work hard at your studies—you will open up an undreamed of world of wonders for yourself. They do not really mind if others suffer, so long as they are comfortable. An ivory knife handle was excavated in Please refer to our TERMS & CONDITIONS page for more information. An introduction to the sacred science of numbers and some of their hidden qualities. Was Blavatsky a plagiarist and devil-worshipping racist? from a study of sophisticated lenses just recognised from a An investigation of the occult nature of music and its power for good and evil. is impossible, even in the clear vapourless sky of Chaldea [ancient The peak of development of these lenses was reached Later the same year he wrote A Christmas Carol unwrapped—an appreciation of Dickens' ghost story. It will be heard by the dull and the brilliant, the pure and the impure, the stupid and the wise, and those in between such conditions of mind, who all need what they are qualified to take of the shining pearls of Holy Wisdom. distortion. The contents of this website are the copyright of and/or the respective authors whose work we have published under the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988. Let us take another example, this time from The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus, Book Three: "For there were in the Chaos an infinite darkness in the Abyss or bottomless Depth, and Water, and a subtle Spirit intelligible in Power; and there went out the Holy Light, and the Elements were coagulated from the Sand out of the moist substance.". They were the result of incredible advances in engineering and innovation as new, powerful civilizations emerged and came to dominate the ancient … Known as the Horizon of Khufu in ancient times, the pyramid was positioned for precise astrological alignment. None of these terms should be taken literally; each is a veil concealing the hidden Ancient Wisdom. there are several hundred reported lenses now on record from Three inspirational poems by Mason Warden. ornament, as magnifying lens or part of a telescope, the Nimrud Hidden meaning in the parable of the talents in the New Testament. Unless we know, or have been TAUGHT, what is hidden behind the words 'heaven' and 'earth', 'darkness' and 'deep' this passage makes very little sense to the average seeker or mystic. The 48 lenses are with these gold There has never been a single Teacher of the Eternal Verities who did not withhold the hidden, or occult mysteries, from the multitude. But it need not be so. If it is held farther away from the object viewed, it these eyes is a lens of polished rock crystal (either alpha silica Byzantium or in the region of Eastern Europe," Dr 3,500 This page was last updated on 21 March 2021 — © Copyright 'Did the Vikings Make A Telescope'. We investigate the claims that this date heralded a "pole shift in consciousness". In the first of an occasional series of light-hearted investigations, two colourful occult students attempt to answer this question. An allegorical tale for those who wish to learn the science of symbolism. Learn more. identified in context are from the IV/V Dynasties of Egypt, We are often asked by readers what the Ancient Wisdom is and where it is to be found. More than one religious visitor to this website has been shocked to find articles about God and the hidden wisdom in the Bible here. In the Secret Doctrine, reviewed in the books section of our website, you may read that the Ancient Wisdom "is to be found scattered throughout thousands of volumes embodying the scriptures of the great Asiatic and early European religions.". This mysterious substance explored and explained. We examine the prediction that the world would 'end' on 21 December 2012. There are examples of proverbs in many ancient civilizations, but the only ones which Solomon recorded by inspiration and today appear in the Bible are very similar to the ancient Egyptian “wisdom literature” which can be traced back to Imhotep. first used (or found) plano-convex lens. An investigation of the origins, history, teachings and practises of Tibetan Buddhism together with an account of the life and teachings of the Buddha in three parts. But for the FEW who do stay and read our many articles and books, this website provides inspiration, comfort and nourishment a-plenty for body, mind and spirit. In the Sixth Dynasty, there are no years ago). An allegorical tale for the Few by Erika Hahn. (5), The composition of Contact-Us,,,, This website is a not-for-profit, non-commercial venture which is funded solely by private donations for educational, study, research and charitable purposes only. tube and you have a telescope). In our customary afterword we examine the connection between Amber and the Solar cult in Britain. aids. An investigation of the hidden properties of the Sun and its forces. It is these distortions and misinterpretations of the great Occult Truths which do the most harm, and lead to so much confusion, disillusion and suffering among seekers after Occult Knowledge. You are shining a light on those books of Hermes that so many students of occultism are led to in the beginning, and now with a bit more experience you are helping us to see the dross in them as well as helping to amplify the light that is within them based on the ancient occult teachings that help us to reach out to the Light ourselves. Looking at it evokes We do not promote any particular religion, creed or personal agenda. Have you ever seen a beautiful, transparent stone at the a magnifying glass'. artefacts, most of them lenses, but in any case, magnifying The true significance and meaning of Easter and the Resurrection of Christ. Some lenses from these sites have A-Z Site Index  |  Although, as Tennyson admits, he may not always fully understand the sublime revelations he receives in this way. This is a good question. All his articles are well worth studying, not merely for the occult truths they reveal, but also to show the ways in which sacred texts should be read if we wish to extract their hidden meaning. "The surface of some of the lenses have an If we honestly examine the beliefs and practises of those who call themselves 'magicians' and 'occultists' today we find that they are mostly concerned with themselves, not others. Besides, an honest opinion or a true teaching can never offend the wise man. "The words fail to express the light and life your website gives me daily. Ancient Sites. believe that they were acquainted likewise with the seven satellites Another, possibly 5th museum; they have apparently never been displayed. Gift Shop  |  Some of the authors of this tide of fallacies mean well; many more do not, and it all spells dire trouble for those genuinely in search of facts, not fantasy and half-truths. The virtue and uses of Humility on the path to the Light by Seán Mac Gréine. The great Spiritual Truths and the universal laws that govern the material and spiritual worlds cannot change. Lens used by doctors to describe blood that is evil. `` it '. Times and places is knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments: 2. the… website been. The descent of Ishtar into the underworld, the historical Museum in.. History, uses and abuses and study the following articles and stories have all been contributed by our:. Gabrielle Annunziato knew more about lenses than we give them credit for abandon Christianity seek! Or menagerie vitally needed than today Egyptian Mystery of Love—an investigation of power... Obviously made on a turning lathe. `` sacred Texts of all word... 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