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revolution and counter‑revolution

Altogether, 2,060,368 people in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay signed the petition during a 58-day period. Having considered these notions, we can now refute some objections that could not have been analyzed adequately before this point. Doubts about the Church, the denial of the divinity of Christ, deism, and incipient atheism marked the stages of this apostasy. The uniform, by its mere presence, implicitly testifies to some truths that, although undoubtedly somewhat generic, are certainly of a counter-revolutionary character: Lastly, there is a temperamental antipathy between the Revolution and the military spirit. Some of the more radical sects also denied what could be called the higher aristocracy of the Church, namely, the bishops, her princes. And, as far as we know, it is the largest petition in the history of these four countries.81, The answer of Paul VI was not merely silence and inaction. 0000009267 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� It is a third crisis, now fully within the field of facts. Twenty years…, In this period, the essay’s editions have multiplied.64. Therefore, the political clashes that may occur among the nations that once formed the U.S.S.R. could strongly condition the Fourth Revolution, yet they will hardly dominate the events, the ensemble of human acts encompassed by the cultural revolution. Others were introduced. Given the Third Revolution’s present difficulties in carrying out ideological recruitment, the most useful of its activities is aimed not at its friends and sympathizers, but at the neutrals and its adversaries: a. to deceive and slowly put the neutrals to sleep; b. to divide at every step, disarticulate, isolate, terrorize, defame, persecute, and block its adversaries. A soul in this situation is divided and lives between two opposing principles, that of the Revolution and that of order. It must prepare circumstances for a return to order and normality as soon as possible. The intelligence should guide the will, and the latter should govern the sensibility. If not, what are the plans of the top national and international leaders of communism for orienting this public opinion? And in all this there is a true hatred for God.25. It is important to point out its essential character as a philosophical sect that deduces from its principles a particular concept of man, society, the State, history, culture, and so on, just as the Church deduces from Revelation and Moral Law all the principles of Catholic civilization and culture. Copyright © 2000 The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). Jeannie L. Sowers and Bruce K. Rutherford . But the capacity to guide hatred is also slipping from the hands of the communists. As a consequence of Original Sin, a constant friction exists within man between the sensible appetites and the will guided by the reason: “I see another law in my members, which fights against the law of my mind.”32, But the will, even though a sovereign reduced to governing subjects ever attempting to rebel, has the means to always prevail … provided it does not resist the grace of God.33. 0000019916 00000 n This they will do by proclaiming the existence of the Revolution, describing its spirit, method, and doctrines, and urging everyone to counter-revolutionary action. It suffices to recall the analogy between the spirit of the French Revolution and the fashions created during it, or the analogy between the revolutionary turmoil of today and the present extravagances in fashion and in the so-called advanced schools of art. The author of this work is the world-famous Brazilian Catholic philosopher Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. In this way, the Third Revolution becomes capable of winning – not so much by increasing the number of its friends as by destroying its adversaries. With the radical change of the revolutionary into a counter-revolutionary, the first stage of the Counter-Revolution ends in him. The immensity of the maelstrom in which the old order of things had been shipwrecked had suddenly opened the eyes of many people to a host of truths silenced or denied by the Revolution down through the centuries. According to this concept, the individual is prone to egoism and can err, but the masses are always right and never get carried away by their passions. By denouncing the danger of communist infiltration to Catholic opinion, the TFPs have opened the eyes of Catholics to the snares of unfaithful pastors. The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America, 2014. 0000112611 00000 n Later, the nineteenth-century schools of utopian communism and the so-called scientific communism of Marx burst forth from the increasingly ardent spirit of the Revolution. In turn, this dismantling would gain for its chief promoter and executor, Mikhail Gorbachev, the emphatic sympathy and unreserved confidence of Western governments and of numerous private economic powers of the West. and of American nations. Crisis in the Third Revolution: An Inevitable Fruit of the Marxist Utopias. Considering them, one might think that the powers of evil are divided against themselves and that our unitary concept of the revolutionary process is false. 0000073085 00000 n The fruits thus obtained well show the accuracy of what is said in this work on the inseparable themes of Revolution and Counter-Revolution. This revolutionary process takes place at two different speeds. Therefore we ask: Will this struggle be a projection, on a world scale, of a clash analogous to the one Marx envisioned primarily as a socioeconomic phenomenon within nations, a struggle that will involve every nation according to its own characteristics? Such “clots” and crystallizations normally lead to clashes between the forces of the Revolution. After all, if both were moribund, an arrangement would be understandable. Slowly, during the course of more than four centuries, the more moderate currents of Protestantism, moving from refinement to refinement through successive stages of dynamism and inertia, have been gradually favoring, in one way or another, the march of the West toward the same extreme point.14. Of course, in saying this, we are not identifying the Counter-Revolution with abuses that organizations of this kind may have committed in one country or another. Therefore, the different religions must receive a rigorously equal treatment. Amid the storms through which she passes today, she could proudly and tranquilly say: “Alios ego vidi ventos; alias prospexi animo procellas” (“I have already seen other winds, I have already beheld other storms”)60 The Church has fought in other lands, against adversaries from among other peoples, and she will undoubted continue to face problems and enemies quite different from those of today until the end of time. These two great and quite distinct stages delineating the counter-revolutionary process are presented here as they occur in a soul considered by itself. For example, in the late 40s, his Em Defesa da Acão Catolica, denouncing the danger presented by leftists encysted in the Catholic Action movement, prompted a letter of praise from Msgr. And they constitute additional successes of the psychological offensive of the Third Revolution against the Church. Possible excesses in this apostolate — which may happen as in any other — do not invalidate the principle we established. And “order of things” does not say it all. Until it manages to wipe it out, the Revolution tries to lower it, mutilate it, and vilify it in every way. In 50 BC the inept out of touch Aristocratic Roman Senate tried a counter-revolution when Julius Caesar (a man of the people and loved by the people) came to rescue the system and drain the swamp. Since it is impossible for us to go into this matter at length, we will merely note that, in general, when a fracture or a laceration occurs in an organism, the zone of mending or healing is marked by special safeguards. In each stage, these tendencies and errors have a particular characteristic. She does not blind herself to the fact that she cannot eliminate all of them, and she preaches a holy resignation to sickness, poverty, and other privations. And, ipso facto, it is denying the Redemption by Our Lord Jesus Christ, for, if sin does not exist, the Redemption becomes incomprehensible and loses any logical relation with history and life. 4911 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 4915 /H [ 1948 3062 ] /L 1568116 /E 146636 /N 112 /T 1469776 >> endobj xref 4911 44 0000000016 00000 n In any case, it is false to say that the self-destruction of the Church has hastened the self-destruction of communism – unless there were a secret treaty between the two in this regard. The essential end of a legitimate dictatorship nowadays must be the Counter-Revolution. However, it should not make this its chief goal in the short run. Let us examine how these correlative phenomena are manifested and what their fruits are. It nonetheless never ceases to progress toward its tragic end. Perhaps the Vatican, on the basis of the best information, foresaw that communism, corroded by internal crises, would begin in its turn to self-destruct. Within each stage of the revolutionary process it is much more important to consider the mentality of the Revolution than simply the ideology enunciated in that particular stage. Of course, this affirmation does not refer to principles but to accidents. It is not sufficient to point out the risk that our civilization may disappear altogether. These groups, in turn, should only receive the help of their municipality in what exceeds their normal capacity, and so on up the line in the relations between the municipality and the region or between the region and the country. In this strength of the Christian soul lies the dynamism of the Counter-Revolution. To the extent that one sees the structuralist movement as a more or less exact (but, in any event, precursory) figure of the Fourth Revolution, one must view certain phenomena generalized over the last decade or two as preparing and driving the structuralist impetus. In every field of human endeavor, the windstorms of … It is evident that, like the Revolution, the Counter-Revolution is a process, and therefore its progressive and methodical march toward order can be studied. Spirits marked by this interior Revolution might conserve a counter-revolutionary attitude in respect to one or many points due to an interplay of circumstances and coincidences, such as being reared in a strongly traditional and moral milieu.37. 0000015202 00000 n g. Economic equality. Yet, something is missing; the ardor of springtime faith among the Catholic populations called to confront both impacts simultaneously. b. This new state of soul contained a powerful although more or less unacknowledged desire for an order of things fundamentally different from that which had reached its heights in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. In the literal sense of the word — therefore stripped of the illegitimate and demagoic connotations given it in everyday language — the Counter-Revolution is a reaction. 0000008425 00000 n No one owns anything; everything belongs to the collectivity. Thus, many times, the counter-revolutionary keeps a disheartened silence – a sad condition: Vae Soli (“Woe to him that is alone”), the Scriptures say.42. This eventual clash inevitably brings to mind the class struggle proclaimed by Marx. Excesses of luxury and the consequent eagerness for gain spread throughout all social classes. The Church still has this aspect of blossoming. One perceives amid the silence, however, the discreet buzz of calumny or some murmuring against the “excessive logic” of his adversary. Among the intermediate groups to be abolished, the family ranks first. We will now consider organizations whose main purpose is not the construction of a proper social order but rather the struggle against communism. He may be one implicitly and, as it were, unconsciously. This work, as we have said, is a simple ensemble of theses by which one may better know the spirit and program of Catolicismo. To this must be added another fact of enormous gravity. This is implicitly waging Counter-Revolution. Once the idea of territory is admitted, we have quantitative and qualitative inequality among the various territorial spaces. Finally, to clearly differentiate between the revolutionary and counter-revolutionary concepts of progress, it is necessary to note that the counter-revolutionary takes into account that the world will always be a valley of tears and a passageway to heaven, while the revolutionary considers that progress should make the earth a paradise in which man lives happily with no thought of eternity. Yet, little by little, society treads the path along which they wished to lead it. • An aristocracy and a bourgeoisie that vulgarize their manners and dress in order to disarm the Revolution harm themselves. This is the liberal aspect of the Revolution. We are more concerned with providing a sound idea of these realities than with debating terminology. The English monarchy, reduced largely to a role of mere display, and the other Protestant monarchies, transformed for most intents and purposes into republics whose heads hold life-long hereditary office, are quietly agonizing. Eugene Cardinal Tisserant wrote: “The theme of this study is of the highest importance for the time in which we live… The analysis made by Professor Corrêa de Oliveira is clear, precise and accurate… It will be of interest to a considerable number of our fellow citizens. Montini, then substitute for the Vatican secretary of state, written on behalf of Pius XII. However, without the aid of grace, it is impossible for him to perdure in the knowledge and practice of all the Commandments.35, This means that in every fallen man there is always a weakness of the intelligence and a first tendency, prior to any reasoning, that incites him to rebel against the Law.36. It is not a range of crises developing side by side, independently in each country, interrelated because of certain analogies of varying relevance. Without denying that other causes contribute to this survival, we wish to stress this very important factor, which falls within the scope of our exposition. ʎC��gP���,LJ�P�'9�Я}��e���Z��a8�ZB�v��ڡ�ӿ�E�1LK�#��[hVb��~t>3d��Q�j�|�/�g�a��y��z�N���T�[��a���C��_e"8IE d��2%K�0ȥLWK��Ꙫ�"(�9p�� �"�r�E-Z�z�2���2Sg��� �ă�ͼ�� ,��V��y���cU�r�. Therefore, the Church is the very soul of the Counter-Revolution. But to admit a total and continuous collaboration with persons infected with any influence of the Revolution is the most flagrant of imprudences and the cause of perhaps most counter-revolutionary failures. He therefore added this third part, which was first published in 1977. If the Revolution is disorder, the Counter-Revolution is the restoration of order. Fallen man sins thus, violating one or more of the Commandments. This human type and the culture and civilization consistent with it were truly the precursors of the greedy, sensual, secularist, and pragmatic man of our days and of the materialistic culture and civilization into which we are sinking deeper and deeper. In a similar way, we then treat analogous points pertaining to the Counter-Revolution, and study some of the conditions for its victory. Under this tyranny, every individual feared to manifest his religious or political opinion in many circles, even to his closest relative or most intimate friend. In these last centuries, it has attempted to disintegrate the intellectual, moral, and social unity in the mysterious organism of Christ. 0000009243 00000 n This sacrifice is entirely directed toward the protection of the true rights of the good. Yes, we turn our eyes to Our Lady of Fatima, requesting of her the contrition that will obtain for us the great pardons, the strength to wage the great battles, and the abnegation to be detached in the great victories that will bring the establishing of her Reign. Or did it simply enter into a complicated metamorphosis? Essentially, the communist movement is and considers itself to be a revolution born of class hatred. For the sake of brevity, adhering to the usage of various authors on spiritual matters, whenever we speak of the passions as promoters of the Revolution, we are referring to disordered passions. 0000013246 00000 n Dey Hussein was said to have hit the French Consul with a fly whisk three times in the face after the French Consul failed to answer the dey's questions regarding France's outstanding debt to Algeria. Focus Question: Was the Constitution a Counter Revolution? It might be said that the more rapid movements are useless, but that is not the case The explosion of these extremisms raises a standard and creates a fixed target whose very radicalism fascinates the moderates, who slowly advance toward it. These three revolutions are episodes of one single Revolution, within which socialism, liturgicism, the politique de la main tendue (policy of the extended hand), and the like are only transitional stages or attenuated manifestations. A “clot” formed. At the height of its power, the Third Revolution ceased to threaten and attack and began to smile and request. The mission of the Church does not lie only in the West, nor is it bound by time to the length of the revolutionary process. It implanted, in varying degrees, the spirit of doubt, religious liberalism, and ecclesiastical egalitarianism in the different sects it produced. Incidentally, pride, in breeding hatred against any kind of authority,34 induces a clearly liberal attitude. A typical example of such a dictatorship was Hitlerism. It does not return to principles. Dimitris Konstantakopoulos. There is more. From Jacobin it became bourgeois in the Directory. However, in other countries, it openly attacked the Church. But already today several of them are reorganizing under new names. The immaculate conception of the individual was the basic dogma of these illusions. We do not believe that the mere dynamism of the passions and errors of men could coordinate such diverse means to achieve a single end, namely, the victory of the Revolution. I am inclined to opt for the second hypothesis. The Pseudo-Reformation was a first revolution. To influence the numerous Catholic and non-Catholic circles in order to alert souls against, say, the evils of Protestantism is undoubtedly legitimate, and necessary for an intelligent and efficacious anti-Protestant action. Nevertheless, the spirit of the Revolution will still be enthroned in the mentality of these semi-counterrevolutionaries. A “semi-counterrevolutionary” who is strongly opposed to the paroxysms of the Revolution has a son who is less opposed to them, a grandson who is indifferent to them, and a great grandson who is fully integrated in the revolutionary flux. , erroneous doctrines, and ecclesiastical egalitarianism in the tendencies. ” 73 made. 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