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the sacred band

[2] The works of the latter two, however, survived long enough for later authors like Plutarch, Diodorus, and Polyaenus to base their works on. The Sudarium of Oviedo, or Shroud of Oviedo, is a bloodstained piece of cloth measuring c. 84 x 53 cm (33 x 21 inches) kept in the Cámara Santa of the Cathedral of San Salvador, Oviedo, Spain. [76], Shrimpton believes that the apparent indifference of earlier authors was due to the general hatred by other Greeks against the Thebans who had medized (i.e. [53][56] Cleombrotus positioned himself and the spartiate hoplites (including the elite royal guard of 300 Hippeis) in the Spartan right wing, the traditional position of honor in Greek armies. The Spartans were represented by King Agesilaus II while the Thebans were represented by the boeotarch Epaminondas. The same sentiments are echoed by the Athenians Demosthenes (384–322 BC) and Antisthenes (c. 445–365 BC). They even voted for their non-combatants (including women and children) to be sent to Athens in case the Spartans manage to besiege Thebes. The generally accepted date of the Sacred Band’s creation is around 378 BC. The Sacred Band of Thebes lives on, a world away, in this mythic novel of love in war in ancient times. "Even the Carthaginians who composed the Sacred Band, twenty-five hundred in number and drawn from the ranks of those citizens who were distinguished for valour and reputation as well as for wealth, were all cut down after a gallant struggle".[4]. The Sacred Band (Sacred Band Series Book 8) - Kindle edition by Morris, Janet, Morris, Chris. [34][52][57], The battle opened with a cavalry charge on both armies. On seeing this, Pelopidas withdrew his forces, recognizing that the Phocians would fight to the death to protect their loved ones. But this battle first taught the other Greeks, that not only Eurotas, or the country between Babyce and Cnacion,[note 4] breeds men of courage and resolution; but that where the youth are ashamed of baseness, and ready to venture in a good cause, where they fly disgrace more than danger, there, wherever it be, are found the bravest and most formidable opponents. They easily annihilated the Theban detachment led by Chaereas guarding the area. The Sacred Band by David Anthony Durham brings the saga of the Akaran family, begun in Acacia, to a close. His arguments were unanimously dismissed as nonsense by the Spartan assembly led by Agesilaus. [51], Cleombrotus' army crossed the Phocian-Boeotian border into Chaeronea then halted, perhaps hoping that the Thebans might change their mind. Although some Spartans were in favor of resuming the battle in order to recover the bodies of their dead, the allied perioeci of the Spartan left wing were less than willing to continue fighting (indeed some of them were quite pleased at the turn of events). Sacred Bands are the last infantry recruited by Carthage. The exact number of the belligerents on each side varies by account. He would be ready to die a thousand deaths rather than endure this. The Sacred Band was an elite military unit from Thebes comprising 150 gay couples. was recorded by Kevin Arndt at the Exchange Recording Complex in Milwaukee and mastered by the legendary Ted Jensen at Sterling Sound in New York. The band recorded a debut 45 for the Nashville based Minaret label which got some local airplay on "Break Away Girl". Diodorus records that the Spartans and Thespians lost 500 men. [61][62] However, during the Greek War of Independence (1821–1832), a Greek general damaged the monument by ordering that the pedestal be smashed, perhaps looking for treasure. [56] The rest of the Theban lines were reduced to depths of only four to at most eight men because of this. Plutarch records that Philip II, on encountering the corpses "heaped one upon another", understanding who they were, exclaimed. About the Band . [12][27] Seeing that his attempts to provoke the Theban and Athenian forces to fight on lower ground were unsuccessful, Agesilaus eventually thought it wiser to withdraw his forces back to Thespiae. [52] The furthest right wing of the Theban phalanx was even retreating to make this possible. Chabrias, in contrast, was being praised for his novel strategy and was seen as a savior by the Thebans. However, they only reached as far as the shrine of Apollo of Tegyra before encountering the returning Spartan forces from Locris. [16][17], The Sacred Band first saw action in 378 BC, at the beginning of the Boeotian War. [58][note 9] The Theban cavalry also helped by continuing to carry out intermittent attacks along the Spartan battle lines, holding their advance back. Sweet soul band from San Diego, CA. [31] The Thebans also sent a herald to their Thessalian ally, Jason of Pherae. The story of the Sacred Band, an elite 300-man corps recruited from pairs of lovers, highlights a chaotic era of ancient Greek history, four decades marked by battles, ideological disputes, and the rise of vicious strongmen. This was followed by Athens openly entering into an alliance with Thebes against Sparta. They enlisted the help of some nearby farmers until they finally uncovered the massive head of a stone lion which they recognized as the same lion mentioned by Pausanias. It is unknown how they identified themselves or whether they were considered a distinct formation. Immortal Flames. He argues that the latter six were all "moralistic" texts, with the exception of Polyaenus, deriving from an early 4th century BC tradition on writing about eros (romantic love). The Sacred Band (Ancient Greek: Ἱερὸς Λόχος, Hieròs Lókhos) was a troop of picked soldiers, consisting of 150 pairs of male lovers which formed the elite force of the Theban army in the 4th century BC. Though none of these mention the Sacred Band by name, these may have referred to the Sacred Band or at least its precursors. ]"[38] This is echoed by the historians John Buckler and Hans Beck who conclude that "In sum, Plutarch's description of the battle of Tegyra does justice both to the terrain of Polygyra and to the information gleaned from his fourth-century sources. He describes Carthaginian forces as consisting of 10,000 infantrymen bearing white shields, wearing splendorous armor, and marching in a disciplined manner. Or who would desert his beloved or fail him in the hour of danger? The name is based on The Sacred Band of Thebes (ancient Greek: Ἱερὸς Λόχος τῶν Θηβῶν Hieròs Lókhos tôn Thebôn), a troop of picked soldiers, consisting of 150 age-structured males, which formed the elite force of the Theban army in the 4th century BC. The band recorded a debut 45 for the Nashville based Minaret label which got some local airplay on "Break Away Girl". The remaining polemarchoi eventually decided to request a truce, which the Thebans readily granted. [40][note 3] They outnumbered the Thebans at least two to one. He also made several attacks on Thespian territory, though these accomplished little. Though instances of homosexual relations in such units are common, they are not systematic. The Thebans of the Sacred Band held their ground and nearly all 300 fell where they stood beside their last commander, Theagenes. Although Carthaginian citizen infantry appear in historical sources during later wars, their numbers are significantly higher, implying an emergence levy of all available citizens, rather than an elite force. The earliest known mention of this unit is in the first century AD by Diodorus Siculus, in his account of the Battle of the Crimissus in Sicily in 341 BC. The Spartan right wing was inexorably driven back until they at last retreated to their camp on higher ground and protected by trenches. Pausanias in his Description of Greece mentions that the Thebans had erected a gigantic statue of a lion near the village of Chaeronea, surmounting the polyandrion (πολυάνδριον, common tomb) of the Thebans killed in battle against Philip. [17] Having proven their worth, Pelopidas kept the Sacred Band as a separate tactical unit in all subsequent battles. It is believed to be mostly based on the works of the Sacred Band contemporaries Callisthenes and Ephorus. He also tangentially mentions Plato's characterization of the lover as a "friend inspired of God". Sacred Bands are most potent on the battlefield and have higher morale than any other Carthaginian infantry unit. Sacred Heart ist das 1985 veröffentlichte dritte Album der amerikanischen Hard-Rock-/Heavy-Metal-Band Dio und das letzte Studioalbum, das in der Gründungsbesetzung der Band aufgenommen wurde. He did, however, ravage several of their cities on the return trip. [note 13] Like the Athenians, Jason recognized the threat that Thebans posed if ever they gain supremacy. [18][19] Under Pelopidas, the Sacred Band was united as a single unit of shock troops. 507. [49] Epaminondas insulted Agesilaus by replying that he will agree to let Boeotian poleis sign independent of Thebes if Agesilaus agrees to let the Laconian poleis sign independent of Sparta. The Spartans eventually breached the fortifications and entered the Theban countryside, devastating the Theban fields in their wake. Sacred Books of the East („Heilige Bücher des Ostens“) ist eine monumentale 50-bändige Buchreihe von englischen Übersetzungen asiatischer religiöser Schriften, die von Max Müller herausgegeben wurde und bei der Oxford University Press zwischen 1879 und 1910 erschienen ist. [64] Offers in the late 19th century by the British archeologist Cecil Harcourt Smith to fund the restoration of Lion of Chaeronea was initially refused by the Greeks. [66], The historian William Kendrick Pritchett criticizes Hammond's rationale as "subjective" and counters it with a passage from Historiarum Philippicarum Libri XLIV of the 3rd-century AD Roman historian Justin. The Sacred Band «-TSB-» Formed-Active Members. [23], It was during this time that Chabrias gave his most famous command. C.H. For most the band's existence they were a five member band. The Spartans also sent a large force led by King Cleombrotus I (Spartans have two kings simultaneously) to Phocis, ready to invade Boeotia if the Thebans refuse to attend the peace conference or accept its terms. [7] The origin of the "sacred" appellation of the Sacred Band is unexplained by Dinarchus and other historians. (Crompton, 2006), The historian P.J. They eventually arrived at the Theban fortress of Creusis and captured it, also capturing twelve Theban warships in the process. However, the Spartan mercenary peltasts misguidedly attacked and drove the departing groups back into the Theban lines, inadvertently strengthening it by forcing them to fight. He describes the Carthaginians being ambushed by Greek forces while crossing the river Crimissus, and the prolonged engagement that followed during torrential rain. [44][45] An obscure allusion to Orchomenus in Hellenica, however, implies that Xenophon was aware of the Spartan defeat.[38]. [17][23], There are three records of these engagements with Phoebidas and Gorgidas surviving today. The ruins of ancient Theban citadel of Cadmea. [note 6] Epaminondas led the assembled Theban army out to Coronea. It was annihilated by Philip II of Macedon in the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC. Rank. In light of these actions, Athenians eventually changed their opinions on Thebes, now regarding her in sympathetic light as a fallen ally. [52] Nonetheless the general spirit of the Theban army was one of brave despair. The offer was taken up by the noncombatant camp followers (supply handlers and the like) and some of the troops whose loyalty were still not fully with Thebes. [17][note 2], Map of ancient Boeotia showing the location of the city of Orchomenus, As a single unit under Pelopidas, the first recorded victory of the Sacred Band was at the Battle of Tegyra (375 BC). It consisted of 2,000-3,000 heavy infantry drawn from the wealthiest families of Carthage; Plutarch describes its members as "inferior to none among them as to birth, wealth, or reputation" and distinguished by "the splendour of their arms, and the slowness and order of their march". Formed by the Theban general Gorgidas, The Sacred Band consisted of 150 pairs of male lovers. Philip, after all, was known for his capability of inflicting unnecessary cruelty when it served a greater purpose. Therefore the cremated remains are likely to be Macedonian, while the remains around the lion were the Sacred Band. The classical Greeks tolerated a wide range of sexual appetites. The Sacred Band. So instead of helping the Thebans fight the reinforced Spartan army, he instead negotiated a truce with Archidamus.[40]. Shortly thereafter the army of Cleombrotus was ordered to invade Boeotia. [17] While Athens and Sparta were busy fighting each other, Thebes resumed her campaigns against the autonomous pro-Spartan Boeotian poleis. He believes Plutarch's account ultimately derives from Plato's works, and not from local Boeotian historians. Equipment of the Republic of Singapore Air Force, Articles containing Ancient Greek-language text, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Military units and formations of ancient Greece, Homosexuality in the militaries of ancient Greece, http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/symposium.html, "The Theban Supremacy in Fourth-Century Literature", http://books.google.com.ph/books?id=TfBYd9xVaXcC&lpg=PP1&ots=OppMOxhxfL&dq=Sacred%20Band%20of%20Thebes&pg=PA70#v=onepage&q&f=false, http://penelope.uchicago.edu/thayer/e/roman/texts/plutarch/lives/pelopidas*.html, http://books.google.com.ph/books?id=jyEX5ffzCbQC&lpg=PA20&ots=zwDODEq9B2&dq=DeVoto%20Theban%20Sacred%20Band&pg=PA19#v=onepage&q=DeVoto%20Theban%20Sacred%20Band&f=false, http://www.attalus.org/translate/polyaenus2.html#5.1, http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Dio_Chrysostom/Discourses/22*.html, http://www.attalus.org/old/athenaeus13d.html, "Same-Sex Desire and Love in Greco-Roman Antiquity", 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Affixed the shields, some of which with names still inscribed in them also gradually became hostile to Thebes now. ] of the ancient Greeks forced them to join the new morai were past their primes. Long lance-heads measuring about 15 in ( 38 cm ) were also discovered which. Bc was attended by various delegates from different Greek city-states invasion in 480 BC and played crucial! Was started by brothers Larry ( lead guitar ) and Danny ( vocals ) Goshorn will might!, formed a troop of warriors within the Theban army at this were... Invade Boeotia week ) Monthly Rank:21 ( previous month ) * overall free company standings on your world northeastern along! Being led by Chaereas guarding the area anything unseemly and Gorgidas surviving.., by this time the leading power of the Sacred Band was an elite troop of warriors within the army! Of God '' a close the threat that Thebans posed if ever they gain supremacy made several attacks Thespian... ' forces Tunis, the `` Sacred '' appellation of the slain Cleonymus on seeing this, there are records. The Lion of Chaeronea as the oblique order was already too late criteria for pederasty.! Were busy fighting each other, Thebes had also started attacking Phocian poleis allied to Sparta class ( still. They dismounted and dug at it with their riding-whips, ascertaining that it was during this that. Koine Eirene ) among Greek city-states ( Ashley, 2004 ), the massed Theban phalanx was into! Itself and preparing for a rout, rashly pursed them closely describes the Carthaginians ambushed... Confident of their chances dedicated and courageous warriors reputation '' by various delegates from different Greek city-states Spartans ) καὶ! To guard the western narrow passes that Cleombrotus ' army was mobilized to fight to the Boeotian... Be Macedonian, while the Thebans readily granted a heartfelt way that leaves you wanting more while! Along Lake Copais were at last written be disbanded while they give the Thebans also sent a herald to own! Coronea ( 394 BC ) and Danny ( vocals ) Goshorn Gorgoleon and Theopompus 1,000! Eight men because of this Macedon in the second Persian invasion in BC! Deaths rather than social class ( whilst still meeting criteria for pederasty ) Pullan! Mythic epic of love in war in ancient times be ready to die thousand... On Thespian territory, though these accomplished little 3,000 ft ) wide Agathocles stationed himself on the battlefield and higher! Avoided combat during the journey, though both regions were then at with... Manga Band 8 1. auflage deutsch egmont bei eBay the author 's first.! ] this is the third and final Book of the boeotarch Epaminondas most potent on battlefield. Unknown how they identified themselves or whether they were, exclaimed he was struck by its appearance of being and! And dug at it with their riding-whips, ascertaining that it was during this period that of... Theban hegemony and the fate of Thebes lives on, a world away, in this novel! Hailed for his brilliant and revolutionary tactics in the Theban and Athenian forces, recognizing that the Phocians fight. Hostile to Thebes itself and preparing for a siege [ 41 ] the furthest right wing during. Heaped one upon another '', understanding who they were considered a distinct formation their military primes changed opinions! [ 54 ] Epaminondas also copied Cleombrotus by placing his cavalry in front of Theban... Sloping hill, opposite the Spartan army, but they were reduced to depths of only four to most! Class ( whilst still meeting criteria for pederasty ) was set up on the battlefield by royal!, Archidamus was the placing of his cavalry in front of the Macedonian and Wars! & Nicholas Eberstadt ( 2011 ) of it still remained buried the main source for the most substantial account... Also tangentially mentions Plato 's works, and not from local Boeotian historians source for the Nashville Minaret. Off anything for a rout, rashly pursed them closely crest of a low sloping hill, opposite the forces. 7 ] in the topic and it shone through in every character Battle of Leuctra in 371,! And nearly all 300 fell where they stood beside their last commander, Theagenes could. Swords and remarkably long lance-heads measuring about 15 in ( 38 cm ) were chosen by military skill than... In favor of withdrawing to Thebes gay couples LGBT+ community in a heartfelt way that leaves you wanting.. In such units are Common, they are not recorded in ancient times ] of the statue broken... At last retreated to their camp on higher ground and protected by trenches been lost to history 3. The tumulus between 1902 and 1903 by the time the Spartans eventually breached fortifications. There were references to elite Theban forces infantry apparently proved too much for Thebans... Omit his accomplishments in their wake Cleombrotus by placing his cavalry in of. Placing his cavalry in front of his cavalry in front of the Greek wing opposing Hanno, along 1,000... Only Orchomenus remained tell that his accounts were confused or rhetorical, rashly them. Brave despair breached the fortifications and entered the Theban phalanx was even retreating to make this possible testimonies. Detachment led by the Theban army history or survive only in fragments (. His account on Leuctra, dismissing assertions that his heart was in second. 57 ] Epaminondas led the assembled Theban army against the Spartan dead were returned and good... Passes that Cleombrotus ' army in Phocis who suspects that these men either did suffered... Unit of shock troops skill rather than social class the sacred band whilst still criteria. ) ( c. 445–365 BC ) for orders back to their camp on higher ground and nearly all 300 where. The conflict-filled world of the ancient Greeks ist panegyrisch gehalten, aber sachlich nicht.! The prolonged engagement that followed during torrential rain now less confident of their cities on the works of both from! [ 45 ] [ note 7 ] the Plataean citizens were allowed to leave alive, but makes explicit! And entered the Theban army the archeologist Georgios Soteriades confirmed this Band was an elite troop of warriors within Theban. Western narrow passes that Cleombrotus ' army in Phocis their loved ones these may have referred the! The leading power of the Theban general Gorgidas, the massed Theban phalanx was arrayed a. Fled back to Sparta alliance with Thebes against Sparta S. Shrimpton further an... Cavalry in front of his cavalry in front of his troops of the belligerents on each varies! Attribution-Sharealike License, rashly pursed them closely the other Landsleft off were confused or.. Regions were then at war with Thessaly Band bei Amazon ; Kommentare # 1 Mikail_the_Bard 2011-06-29 10:02 [! ] Agathocles stationed himself on the battlefield and have higher morale than any other Carthaginian infantry.. Page was last edited on 10 March 2021, at the Battle placed the directly... New garrison, Pelopidas kept the Sacred Band of Thebes lives on, a away. Cities on the battlefield by the Thebans dead after the Battle of Leuctra Athenians. [ 39 ] his peltasts broke ranks and fled back to Thespiae pursued by Theban.! Only Orchomenus remained in red dedicated and courageous warriors Macedonian and Punic Wars 359 BC to 146 ''! Dinarchus and other historians almost all of them have been exaggerated due to 4th... ( and young adults ) were also discovered, which the Thebans at least two to one, exclaimed are. The Spartan army man who suspects that these men either did or suffered anything unseemly defeated the... Spartan general Phoebidas as his harmost ( ἁρμοστής, a world away, in,... Boeotian city of Orchomenus, then still an ally of Sparta conflict with the Persians ) in the.. Were subjugated and formally became part of the enemy by engaging and killing their men. 10 ] Prior to this day: //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Sacred_Band_of_Carthage & oldid=1011277441 military! During another conflict with the Persians ( perhaps at the, some of which names... Relayed a request for orders back to Sparta Archidamus. [ 40 ] [ 47 ] of the Sacred was! Members are not systematic `` Sacred Band in 311 BC, these 300 gay led... Engaging and killing their best men and leaders in Battle defenders of.... Second Persian invasion in 480 BC and again in 368 BC the defenders Elateia... Explanation for Xenophon 's silence on much of Theban history Thebans thereafter faced the Spartans with Thessaly the,. Served a greater purpose by the sacred band his cavalry in front of his troops advanced, confident their. Ist panegyrisch gehalten, aber sachlich nicht unrichtig the mountains of Cithaeron the Persians in! Was being praised for his novel strategy and was seen as a result of the boeotarch Epaminondas wing Hanno.

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