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pope benedict xiv

An enumeration of his principal dealings with the heads of states will show that Benedict wisely abandoned, in most cases, the shadow of temporal authority to maintain the substance of spiritual supremacy. His Bulls and Encyclicals, which have played such an important part in defining and clarifying obscure and difficult points of ecclesiastical law, were learned treatises full of wisdom and scholarship. The increase in the number of Feasts of Saints and the multiplication of offices with the rank of Duplex had superseded the old ferial and dominical offices, and throughout his entire pontificate he set himself determinedly against the introduction of any new offices in the Breviary, a policy which he adhered to so strictly that the only change it underwent during his administration was that Leo the Great received the title of Doctor. mar. Dear Brothers and Sisters in … So profoundly impressed was he with the necessity of a thorough revision of the Breviary which would eliminate those portions with which the critical sense of the eighteenth century found fault that he commissioned the Jesuit, Fabio Danzetto, to prepare a report on the subject. He also compiled a "Thesaurus Resolutionum Sacræ Congregationis Concilii", the first attempt at a scientific presentation of the "Praxis" of the Roman Congregations . Over all these foundations he exercised the closest supervision; he also found time to carry out many schemes for the building and adornment of churches in Rome. 25: the annunciation of our lord. Moreover, in estimating the value and effect of his concessions, it is seen that in nearly every case he strengthened the moral influence of the papacy even though some rights of patronage or other material interests were abandoned. When he was transferred to Bologna in 1731 his energies and activities seemed to redouble. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. These words spoken as much perhaps in jest as in earnest helped to end the difficulty. On another occasion he composed for a portrait of the pope the following distich: (This is Lambertini, the pride of Rome, the father of the world, who teaches that world by his writings and honours by his virtues.). Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Articles by Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict. Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion. Seek That Which Is Above: Meditations Through the Year. Church and Economy: Responsibility for the World Economy Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI "Today we need the maximum of specialized economic understanding, but also truly ethical powers for … Though the doctrine prevailed in Rome that the contracting parties were the real ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony, no general unanimity prevailed among theologians on this point. The Bull "Ex quo singulari", in regard to the abuses in China, was published 11 July, 1742; that in regard to Malabar, "Omnium sollicitudinum", 12 September, 1744. The pontiff cited advanced age as the reason behind his shocking move in February 2013, though his decision may … Benedict XVI $4.19 - $14.75. He was made Bishop of Ancona in 1727 and cardinal 30 April, 1728. 4.8 out of 5 stars 32. The conflicts in the Maronite Church, after the deposition of Jacob II, which seriously threatened its unity were settled in a national council (1736), the decrees of which were approved by Benedict. The miracle requested was performed and the abbé received a pension. The classical work of Benedict on liturgical matters is his "De Servorum Dei Beatificatione et de Beatorum Canonizatione" which still regulates the process of beatification and canonization. Without derogating in the least from this theory, Benedict in reply to the questions from bishops in many places, especially in Holland and Poland, decreed by the Bull "Magnæ nobis admirationis" (29 June, 1748) that mixed marriages were allowable only under certain well-defined conditions, the principal of which was that children born of those marriages should be brought up in the Catholic Faith, but that such marriages while tolerated, should never be performed with the ceremonies that imply formal ecclesiastical approval. Benedict's election occurred in a papal conclave following the death of Pope John Paul II. This article is more than 7 years old. His devotion to science and the serious investigation of historical problems did not interfere with his purely literary studies. Because of the manner in which church festivals had been multiplied, Benedict strove to diminish them. Cf. His early education was received from tutors. Benedict abandoned none of the claims of his predecessors, but the liberal use of his powers had no other aim than the promotion of the arts of peace and industry. - ROME – In a rare new interview with a German newspaper, retired pope Benedict XVI praised his successor’s devotion to St. Joseph and thanked Pope … If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. Choiseul, the French ambassador, called at the Vatican to request that the appointment of Cardinal Archinto to succeed Cardinal Valenti as Secretary of State be deferred until after some matters in which the French king was interested were decided. Various expedients were suggested, such as the withdrawal of the names of the leading candidates and the substitution of others, but without avail. The title of King of Prussia, taken in 1701 by the Elector of Brandenburg, was recognized by Benedict against the vigorous opposition of many members of the Curia. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. He is best known for his rigid views on Catholicism and topics such … friday in the 5th week of lent readings and reflection:”i am the son of god” (jn 8:31-42). Nor was his influence less potent among Protestant than Catholic rulers; the universal esteem in which he was held throughout the world meant much in an epoch, the close of which was to witness the disruption of many time-honoured institutions, social and political as well as religious. On 1 April, 1758, he issued a Brief by which Cardinal Saldanha was commissioned to inspect all the colleges and houses of the Society in Portugal, and to undertake a reform of the same, but this authority was withdrawn by his successor, Clement XIII. Though by no means a genius, his enormous application coupled with more than ordinary cleverness of mind made him one of the most erudite men of his time and gave him the distinction of being perhaps the greatest scholar among the popes. Pope Benedict XVI. With brevity and flair, Pope Benedict XVI takes us on a journey through the lives of each Apostle and their immediate followers such as Stephen, Timothy, Titus, Barnabas, Apollos, and more. Benedict XVI, original name Joseph Alois Ratzinger, (born April 16, 1927, Marktl am Inn, Germany), bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic Church (2005–13). Lambertini Archiep. “The Pope Benedict XVI Reader,” a new book from the Word on Fire Institute, offers a point of entry for anyone seeking a deeper engagement with the teachings of Joseph Ratziner/Pope Benedict XVI. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. He reformed the programme of studies in his seminary and drew up a new curriculum in which special stress was laid on the study of Sacred Scripture and patrology. In the Papal States Benedict reduced the burden of taxation, encouraged agriculture, and supported a policy of free trade. Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI Talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion. Measures were set on foot to reform the nobility, a new regional division of the city was introduced for the purpose of greater administrative efficiency, agriculture was fostered and encouraged by the introduction of new and improved methods, commerce was promoted, and luxury restrained, while the practice of usury, against which he published the Encyclical Vix Pervenit (1745), was almost entirely suppressed. His character was many-sided, and his range of interests large. He was referred to as the sage par excellence by Maria Theresa, and received many encomiums from the sultan to whom he playfully referred in his writings as the "Good Turk". He could be gay as well as serious. You continue to be pope and I shall be ambassador." His intellectual pre-eminence was not only a source of pride to Catholics, but formed a strong bond with many not of the Faith. XVI, born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger on April 16, 1927, was elected Pope of the Catholic Church on April 19, 2005. Benedict decided that the rights of the patriarchate should be divided between the Archbishopric of Görz, in Austria, and that of Udine in the Venetian States. His great learning placed him in a position to deal successfully with ecclesiastical situations that needed reformation, and the broad Christian spirit which animated his dealings with foreign powers removed the pressure and hostility of even Protestant courts and rulers. How serious the problem was is best seen from his own words: "The pope orders, the cardinals do not obey, and the people do as they please.". Show the volunteers who bring you reliable, Catholic information that their work matters. Of a noble family, he received a doctorate in theology and law from the University of Rome. VATICAN CITY (Catholic Online) - We present Pope Benedict XVI's Easter Message in its entirety. In 1744, Benedict XIV sent the pallium to Seraphin Tanas whom he acknowledged as Patriarch of the Greek Melchites of Antioch. Besides these he published numerous works on the rites of the Greeks and Orientals; Bulls and Briefs on the celebration of the octave of the Holy Apostles, against the use of superstitious images, on the blessing of the pallium, against profane music in churches, on the golden rose, etc. In purely spiritual and religious matters the influence of Benedict left a lasting impress on the entire Church and its administration. The distich caused discussion regarding the quantity of "hic", but the pope defended the prosody of Voltaire who confirmed his opinion by a quotation from Virgil which he said ought to be the epitaph of Benedict. If they complained at times that he wrote too much and governed them too little, they all agreed that he spoke well and wittily, and his jokes and bon mots were the delight of Rome. Benedict XVI $3.99 - $5.89. from a letter of st. leo the great. 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; Apostolic Constitutions It was composed of fifty-four cardinals of whom forty-six were Italians, three French, four Spanish, and one German. This ban set back the winning of converts in Asia and was partially reversed in 1939, when the church allowed acts of ancestor veneration, provided they were without religious significance. Love Has Triumphed. Transcript for Pope Benedict XIV Says Goodbye For the first time in 600 years, the seat of st. Peter is say gant because a living pope has returned to his quiet life. The fact that Benedict never raised a Jesuit to the cardinalate is attributed to his hostility to the Society ; on the other hand, it must be noted that it was to a Jesuit, Emmanuel Azevedo, that he committed the complete edition of his works (1747-51). If you are one of our rare donors, you have our gratitude and we warmly thank you. Benedict XIV is best known to history as a student and a scholar. Most people donate because Catholic Online is useful. The Abbate Galiani once presented him with a collection of minerals saying: Dic ut lapides isti panes fiant (Command that these stones be made bread), and the hint was not lost. The conversation was more lively than Choiseul reported, and from the "Mémoires" of the Baron de Besonval (p. 106) we learn that when the pope had grown tired of the importunities of Choiseul he seized him by the arm and pushing him into his own seat said: "Be pope yourself" ( Fa el Papa ). On a personal level, I wish him well. When Clement XII died (6 February, 1740) the fame of Lambertini was at its highest. One was composed of those who had been appointed by Clement XI, Innocent XIII, and Benedict XIII ; another of those appointed by Clement XII who were known as the new college. He served longer as a cardinal before becoming Pope than any Pontiff since Benedict XIII (1724–1730). Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. VATICAN CITY — Pope emeritus Benedict XVI … He served the Curia in many and important capacities, yet devoted his leisure time to theological and canonistic study. A Quo Primum Encyclical of Pope Benedict XIV promulgated on June 14, 1751. In the matter of church revenues and the allotment of ecclesiastical benefices Spain was also treated very generously. He was undoubtedly liberal in his political dealings, though he never lost sight of the essential interests of the Church and religion. Corrections? With a view to replenishing the treasury which had been exhausted by the extravagance of some of his predecessors, especially that of Benedict XIII under the influence of Cardinal Coscia, and because of the enormous outlay for public buildings under Clement XII, he made no promotions to the Sacred College for four years. Cares of state, after his elevation to the pontificate prevented him from devoting himself as much as he would have wished to his studies of former days; but he never lacked intellectual stimulus. On the death of Innocent XII he was made consistorial advocate by Clement XI, and shortly afterwards Consultor of the Holy Office. On 18 March, 1751, he renewed the prohibitions of Clement XII against the Freemasons, and though very few governments regarded the suppression of this society as demanding decisive action on their part, laws were at once passed by Spain and Naples, and in 1757 by Milan. He is the first Pope to have resigned since Gregory XII in the year 1415. In 1741 permission was granted to tax the income of the clergy, and in 1753 the Government received the right of nomination to nearly all the Spanish benefices ; in 1754 an agreement was ratified by which the revenues from all the benefices in Spain and in the American colonies were paid into the government treasury to carry on the war against the African pirates. He himself explained his assiduity by saying that he looked on the episcopate not as an honour, but as an opportunity to do good. He is the oldest person to have been elected pope since Pope Clement XII (1730–1740). After several plans had been tried to end the deadlock, Lambertini, whose name had been proposed as a compromise, addressed the conclave, saying: "If you wish to elect a saint, choose Gotti ; a statesman, Aldobrandini; an honest man, elect me." Pope Benedict XIV - 1755 To Missionaries Assigned to the Orient. Ex-pope Benedict says God told him to resign during 'mystical experience' This article is more than 7 years old. Through intrigues of various kinds the conclave which commenced on 17 February lasted for six months. As mediator between the Kinghts of Malta and the King of Naples the pope brought a long standing controversy to a happy termination. Pope Benedict XVI, formerly Joseph Ratzinger, was born on April 16, 1927 in Marktl am Inn, Germany. Benedict was an active scholar all his life, founding several learned societies and laying the groundwork for the present Vatican Museum. Some letters of Benedict were published by Kraus : "Briefe Benedicts XIV an den Canonicus Pier Francesco Peggi in Bologna (1729-1758) nebst Benedicts Diarium des Conclaves von 1740" (2d ed., Freiburg, 1888). Great as a man, a scholar, an administrator, and a priest, Benedict's claim to immortality rests principally on his admirable ecclesiastical writings. Italiano: Papa Benedetto XVI ( Benedictus PP. Benedict XVI $3.99 - $13.54. Benedict silenced their reproaches by saying that fewer feasts observed in a more Christian manner would contribute more to the glory of religion. Angelus. pope francis: pray with mary. Benedict XIV, original name Prospero Lambertini, (born March 31, 1675, Bologna, Papal States [Italy]—died May 3, 1758, Rome), pope from 1740 to 1758. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. His father, a police officer, came from a traditional family of farmers from Lower Bavaria. Because of his wonderful gifts and his extraordinary success as Bishop of Ancona, Pope Benedict XIII wished to transfer him to some position of greater responsibility affording a wider field for the display of his powers and activity, but he replied in his usual jocose vein that no change of place could make him other than he was, cheerful, joyous, and the friend of the pope. (See CHINA, INDIA.) This brusqueness, however, was not usual with Benedict. Though by no means a genius, his enormous application coupled with more than ordinary cleverness of mind made him one of the most erudite men of his time and gave him the distinction of being … Pope Benedict XIV (Latin: Benedictus Quartus Decimus; 31 March 1675 – 3 May 1758), born Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini, was an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church and the 248th Pope from 1740 until his death in 1758. Lambertini was chosen and took the name of Benedict XIV in honour of his friend and patron Benedict XIII. Other important liturgical writings of Benedict deal with the sacrifice of the Mass and the feasts of Our Lord, the Blessed Virgin, and some saints. This devotion to the arts and sciences brought Lambertini throughout his whole life into close and friendly contact with the most famous authors and scholars of his time. Gay, lively, and talkative, his conversation at times amazed, if it did not shock, the staid sensibilities of some of the dignified courtiers who came in contact with him. Venerable Brothers, We give you Greeting and Our Apostolic Blessing. On one occasion a violent scene took place in which the pope expressed in a most decided manner his disapproval of the tactics of the French court. However his actions may be judged, whatever may be thought of his motives, it cannot be denied that he aimed constantly at peace and that few causes of friction remained after the close of his administration. Buy One Get One 50% OFF - FREE Shipping $60+. Copyright 2021 Catholic Online. Benedict XIV is best known to history as a student and a scholar. The King of Sardinia received the title of Vicar of the Holy See which carried with it the right of nomination to all the ecclesiastical benefices in his dominions and the income of the pontifical fiefs in lieu of which a yearly indemnity of one thousand ducats was to be paid. He had been long urged by his friends Cardinals Passionei and Archinto to order a thorough reformation of that body, but it was not until the last year of his life that any decisive action was taken. pope benedict xvi homilies on palm sunday year b; lenten reading: “christ offered himself for us” (st. fulgentius). If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. This last characterization did not interfere with his restless activity in any of the many important positions which he was called on to fill, nor did it diminish his marvellous capacity for the most arduous work. Pope Francis greets Benedict XVI after the creation of new cardinal Nov. 28, 2020. His humility and vast learning were a source of inspiration and strength to his clergy, and his broad firm grasp of public affairs and public questions gave him a position of unique influence among rulers and people. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. In order that the clergy should not be deficient in ecclesiastical and historical science, and that they might not lack opportunity to profit by the intellectual progress of the period, he founded at Rome four academies for the study of Roman antiquities, Christian antiquities, the history of the Church and the councils, and the history of canon law and liturgy. A complete edition of his works appeared at Rome (1747-51) in twelve folio volumes, by Emmanuel Azevedo, S.J., who also translated into Latin the Italian documents. This decision was regarded as unjust by Venice, which in retaliation decreed that no Bull, Brief, or communication of the Holy See should be promulgated within the jurisdiction of the Republic without the supervision and approval of the Government. Pope Benedict XVI served as Pope from 2005 to 2013. Much of the bitterness of the Reformation time had passed away and Protestants sought to have their marriages with Catholics solemnized with ceremonies equal to those when both parties were Catholics. While insisting on the authority of the "Unigenitus" and pointing out that it was the duty of all the faithful to accept it with veneration, the pope decrees that only those persons should be excluded from the sacraments whose opposition to the pontifical constitution was public and notorious, and who therefore should be regarded as public enemies. Choiseul replied: "No, Holy Father, let us each do his part. The King of Portugal received the right of patronage over all the sees and abbeys in his kingdom (1740) and was further favoured with the title of Rex Fidelissimus (1748). His efforts were largely directed to the improvement of clerical education in his diocese. Typical of his pontificate were his promotion of scientific learning and his admonition to those in charge of drawing up the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Index of Forbidden Books) to act with restraint. Lambertini was chosen and took the name of Benedict XIV in honour of his friend and patron Benedict XIII. 98% of our readers don't give; they simply look the other way. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. This report in four volumes of notes was of such a sweeping character that it is said to have caused Benedict to desist from his project. Benedict XIV, given name Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini, Roman Catholic Pope from 1740 to 1758, was born at Bologna on the 31st of March 1675. As pope, Lambertini was no less energetic, brave, and unassuming than before his election. He was transferred to the Archbishopric of Bologna in April, 1731, in succession to Lorenzo Corsini who had become pope as Clement XII. He was conciliatory in his relations with the secular powers, making vast concessions to the kings of Spain, Portugal, Sardinia, and Naples in matters of patronage, the right of nomination to vacant sees, and secular jurisdiction over ecclesiastical changes. Hardcover $13.75 $ 13. First Station: Jesus is condemned to death. A better and more complete edition is that of Venice, 1788. Beloved Sons, We give You Greeting and Our Apostolic Blessing. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership,, The Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of Pope Benedict XIV. To all our readers, Please don't scroll past this. (photo: Vatican Media) CNA Vatican March 31, 2021. The controversy in regard to Chinese and Malabar customs, or the system of accommodation to heathenism which some missionaries had permitted their converts to practice, and by which it was said that pagan ideas and pagan practices had been grafted on Christianity, was terminated by Benedict XIV who issued two Bulls on the subject, and required the missionaries to take an oath that such abuses would not be tolerated in the future. This he did in Spain in 1742, in Sicily and Tuscany in 1748, and later in Sardinia, Austria, and the Papal States. He was ordained a priest on June 29, 1951. Free PDFs: Hail Mary, Our Father, How to Pray the Rosary & more, 14 Karat Gold Filled 4mm Light Amethyst Swarovski Rosary, Lent - A Season of Reflection, Renewal and Preparation, Celebrate Sunday Mass - Easter Sunday - 4.4.21, Happy Easter: The Tomb is Empty! Encouraged agriculture, and theology Pope Clement XII died ( 6 February 1740. 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